Not Navigation - The Slab

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This large platform (used to be the old track to Navigation Quarry) several small areas to climb. The first one location on the left hand side of the small bay is a small slab providing some worthwhile problems as listed below.

Nnavi slab.jpg


  1. 5b Start at Pocket 1, move up to the obvious ledge, continue traverse right finishing at Pocket 2 (P2)
  2. 6a Start at P1, traverse right avoiding the aforementioned ledge, only using H1, then finish at P2
  3. Open Project As Problem 2 but eliminating H1. Open Project
  4. 5c Low start climb up to ledge, mantel and escape round the arête.
  5. 6a+ One move wonder, avoiding obvious pocket/undercut and the smaller undercut below it on the same crack.

The Oblong Boulder

Second area is the oblong shaped boulder now holds several problems on the boulder itself and the wall above it.


  1. 5a SS at the far end of boulder TOF .
  2. 6a SS on left of flake. Heel hook around flake and using pocket for left hand finish rightwards. TOF Short extraveganza of thuggy moves, crimps, slopers with even a handjam thrown in. (Chas Ryder 3.8.02 Slug
  3. 5b The next problem is on the concave wall above and to the right


The next area is found before the platform starts going up the hillside. This rectangle wall holds a nice problem by climbing the wall on crimps to reach ledge, standup. Wack Off (6a). The leaning rib to the right is 'Poledancer', superb open project. [Chas did a few low moves of this and pulled off some loose stuff and grass, its a real classic.


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